Browse Tunes in D major (easy level)

’Tis the Last Rose of Summer J. StevensonFlute trio
from Flute Trio No. 3
J. SchererFlute trio
from Flute Trio in D major, QV 3:3.1, QV 3:3.1
J.J. QuantzFlute trio
from Concert for Two Flutes No. 1 in D major
M. Pignolet de MontéclairFlute duet
Albert Farmer's Bonfire Trad. EnglishFlute solo
from 12 Petites sonates à deux Flûtes Traversières, No. 2, Op. 13, No. 2
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
Allie Crocker Trad. IrishFlute solo
from Forty Progressive Duets, Vol. I, Op. 55, Vol. I, No. 5
E. KöhlerFlute duet
from Symphony No. 53, “L'Impériale”
F.J. HaydnFlute trio
Andante con moto
from Trois petits duos faciles, No. 1, Op. 20, No. 1
C. KummerFlute duet
Auld Lang Syne Trad. ScottishFlute duet
Ave verum corpus K. 618W.A. MozartFlute & Piano
Avondale D. BehanFlute & Chords
Away in a Manger W.J. KirkpatrickFlute trio
Ballo detto il Conte Orlando
from Intavolatura di liuto
S. MolinaroFlute solo
Banish Misfortune Trad. IrishFlute solo
Banished to America Trad. IrishFlute solo
Barney Brallaghan J. BlewittFlute solo
Barra Fèis Tribute to Mìcheal, Caolas R. CampbellFlute solo
Be Thou My Vision Trad. IrishFlute duet
Beauty in Tears T. CarolanFlute solo
Bedfordshire March Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Before I Was Married Trad. IrishFlute solo
Begone Dull Care Trad. EnglishFlute duet
Besançon Carol Trad. FrenchFlute trio
Blaydon Races Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Blessed Assurance P.P. KnappFlute solo
Bobby Shafto Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Bonaparte's Grand March TraditionalFlute solo
Buona notte TraditionalFlute duet
Cantabile (featured)
from Concerto No. 3 “Il Gardellino”, Op. 10, No. 3, RV 428, Mvmt. 2
A. VivaldiFlute & Piano
Captain Corbett's Hornpipe Trad. IrishFlute solo
Charming Mary Kelly Trad. IrishFlute solo
Chester Castle Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Christ Church Bells H. AldrichFlute trio
Come Dearest Come
from Gustave III
D.F.E. AuberFlute duet
Come Now or Stay Trad. IrishFlute solo
Come, ye Sons of Art
from Come, ye Sons of Art, Z. 323
H. PurcellFlute duet
Cooper's Hornpipe Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Courtney's Jig Trad. IrishFlute solo
Crows in a Corn Field T. PhillipsFlute trio
Cynthia's Cottage TraditionalFlute duet
Dan Mac's Polka Trad. IrishFlute solo
Dandy Pat Trad. IrishFlute solo
Daniel of the Sun Trad. IrishFlute solo
Days of Absence TraditionalFlute duet
Dear Native Home TraditionalFlute duet
Delaney's Frolics Trad. IrishFlute solo
Der er et yndigt land H.E. KrøyerFlute solo
Der treue Husar Trad. GermanFlute solo
from Fra Diavolo
D.F.E. AuberFlute duet
Do You Want Anymore? Trad. IrishFlute solo
Doctor O'Neill Trad. IrishFlute solo
Dolly's The Girl For Me Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Dòmhnall Ryan and Jenna, Vatersay R. CampbellFlute solo
Dorstream March TraditionalFlute solo
from 12 Petites sonates à deux Flûtes Traversières, No. 9, Op. 13, No. 9
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
Dr. Morrison's Seven Thistles J.S. SkinnerFlute solo
Draw the Sword Scotland G.H. RodwellFlute & Piano
Duet No. 1 in D major
from School of Flute, Grade 1, Op. 51, Grade I
L. HuguesFlute duet
Duet No. 1 in D major
from 36 Petits Duos Mélodiques Faciles et Chantants, Op. 72
B.T. BerbiguierFlute duet
Duet No. 1 in D major
from 24 Duos faciles
F. DevienneFlute duet
Duet No. 1 in D major
from 20 Easy Melodic Progressive Exercises, Book 1, Op. 93, No. 1
E. KöhlerFlute duet
Duet No. 13 in D major
from 36 Petits Duos Mélodiques Faciles et Chantants, Op. 72
B.T. BerbiguierFlute duet
Duet No. 19 in D major
from 36 Petits Duos Mélodiques Faciles et Chantants, Op. 72
B.T. BerbiguierFlute duet
Duet No. 24 in D major
from Méthode de flûte, Op. 100
J.-L. TulouFlute duet
Duet No. 25 in D major
from Méthode de flûte, Op. 100
J.-L. TulouFlute duet
Duet No. 27 in D major
from Méthode de flûte, Op. 100
J.-L. TulouFlute duet
Duet No. 3 in D major
from School of Flute, Grade 1, Op. 51, Grade I
L. HuguesFlute duet
Duet No. 39 in D major
from Méthode de flûte, Op. 100
A. MinasiFlute duet
Egy cica, két cica P. DankóFlute & Piano
Eternal Source of Light Divine
from Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74
G.F. HandelFlute & Organ
Farewell to the Troubles of the World Trad. IrishFlute solo
Fasten the Leg in Her Trad. IrishFlute solo
Father Dollard's Favorite Trad. IrishFlute solo
Father O'Flynn Trad. IrishFlute solo
Fiddlers' Frolic Trad. IrishFlute solo
Fie Nay Prithee John H. PurcellFlute solo
For Ireland I Won’t Say Her Name Trad. IrishFlute solo
Forest of Bondy Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Frazer's Jig Trad. IrishFlute solo
Gallant Troubadour TraditionalFlute duet
Galway Tom Trad. IrishFlute solo
Garryowen Trad. IrishFlute solo
from Trio Sonata No. 1 in D major, Op. 2, No. 1
A. CorelliFlute duet
from Terpsichore
M. PraetoriusFlute quartet
from Flute Sonata No. 3 in D major, Op. 1, No. 3
J.-C. NaudotFlute & bass
Gladly Would I Go Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Gordon's Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Grandfather's Pet Trad. IrishFlute solo
Happy We've Been A' Thegither Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Harper's Frolic Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Heart of Oak W. BoyceFlute solo
Here Do We Meet Again J.A. WadeFlute duet
Here's a Health to All Good Lasses Trad. EnglishFlute trio
Himno Istmeño J.A. SantosFlute solo
Hobble About Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Hope Told a Flattering Tale G. PaisielloFlute duet
Hope's Hornpipe Trad. EnglishFlute solo
How We Spent the Christmas Trad. IrishFlute solo
Huachi torito TraditionalFlute quartet
I Stood Among the Glitt'ring Throng H. BishopFlute duet
I'll Tell Me Ma Trad. IrishFlute solo
In diesen heil'gen Hallen
from The Magic Flute, K. 620
W.A. MozartFlute duet
Iron Legs Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Jackson's Dream W. ‘Piper’ JacksonFlute solo
Jackson's Fancy Trad. IrishFlute solo
Jackson's Rambles Trad. IrishFlute solo
Jackson's Stranger Trad. IrishFlute solo
James River Reel Trad. AmericanFlute solo
Jenny Dang The Weaver Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Jerry's Beaver Hat Trad. IrishFlute solo
Jimmy O'Brien's Reel Trad. IrishFlute solo
John White's Mother Trad. IrishFlute solo
Johnny with the Queer Thing Trad. IrishFlute solo
Joy to the World L. MasonFlute & Piano
Jul, jul, strålande jul G. NordqvistFlute trio
Juniper Hall Trad. AmericanFlute solo
Just As I Am, Without One Plea W.B. BradburyFlute solo
Kate Kearney Trad. IrishFlute duet
Kathleen O'Moore Trad. IrishFlute duet
Kelvin's Grove Trad. ScottishFlute duet
Kinloch of Kinloch Trad. ScottishFlute solo
L'Agréable Trad. FrenchFlute solo
La Biby Trad. FrenchFlute solo
La biondina in gondoletta Trad. ItalianFlute duet
La Mijaurée
from 55 Easy Pieces, Op. 22, No. 5
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
La Soliciteuse
from 55 Easy Pieces, Op. 22, No. 2
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
Lady MacKenzie of Coull Trad. ScottishFlute solo
from Flute Trio in D major, QV 3:3.1, QV 3:3.1
J.J. QuantzFlute trio
from Concerto for Lute in D major, RV 93
A. VivaldiFlute solo
Le Cabriolet Trad. FrenchFlute solo
Le Faineant
from 55 Easy Pieces, Op. 22, No. 7
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
Le petit tambour Trad. FrenchFlute duet
Leonore J. WeiglFlute duet
Les Bourgeois du Roule
from 55 Easy Pieces, Op. 22, No. 6
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
Li'l Liza Jane A. de LachauFlute & Piano
Ligrum Cus Trad. IrishFlute solo
Lilies of the Field Trad. IrishFlute solo
Limerick Lasses Trad. IrishFlute solo
Little Brown Jug J.E. WinnerFlute solo
Loch Lomond Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Lord Lindsay's March Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Ma'oz Tzur Trad. GermanFlute & Piano
Ma'oz Tzur Trad. GermanFlute duet
MacPherson's Lantern R. CampbellFlute solo
Maloney's Wife Trad. IrishFlute solo
March in D major
from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, BWV Anh. 122
C.P.E. BachFlute solo
Martin Martin R. CampbellFlute solo
Martini's Minuet TraditionalFlute duet
Menuet of Mr. Duport W.A. MozartFlute & Piano
Merrily Kiss the Quaker Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Military Movement
from Symphony No. 100
F.J. HaydnFlute duet
Mingulay to Vatersay R. CampbellFlute solo
Miss Bain's Reel Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Miss Carroll's Hornpipe Trad. IrishFlute solo
Miss Corbett's Reel Trad. IrishFlute solo
Miss Gunning's Delight Trad. IrishFlute solo
Miss Singleton's Reel Trad. IrishFlute solo
Mixing the Punch Trad. IrishFlute solo
Molly of Lough Erne Shore Trad. IrishFlute solo
Mulqueen's Reel Trad. IrishFlute solo
Murphy's Weather Eye Trad. IrishFlute solo
My Ain Fireside Trad. ScottishFlute duet
My Apologies R. CampbellFlute solo
My Darling Asleep Trad. IrishFlute solo
Nelson's Hornpipe Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Never Grow Old Trad. IrishFlute solo
O du fröhliche TraditionalFlute solo
O'Donnell Abú Trad. IrishFlute solo
Ode to Joy
from Symphony No. 9 in D minor “Chorale”, Op. 125
L. van BeethovenFlute solo
Oh Say Simple Maid Trad. EnglishFlute duet
Oh They Marched Thro' The Town TraditionalFlute duet
Old Folks at Home S. FosterFlute & Piano
Old Man Rocking The Cradle
from Rocking the Baby to Sleep
Trad. IrishFlute solo
Orange and Blue Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Paddy from Cork Trad. IrishFlute solo
Paddy O'Carroll Trad. IrishFlute solo
Paddy O'Snap Trad. IrishFlute solo
Paddy the Weaver Trad. IrishFlute solo
Paddy's Whiskers Trad. IrishFlute solo
Pat On Parade Trad. IrishFlute solo
Peter White TraditionalFlute trio
Pither In Enough Trad. IrishFlute solo
Planxty Mary Ellen A. E. McKennonFlute & Chords
Port Beag do Shaeonaidh Beag R. CampbellFlute solo
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven J. GossFlute solo
Prélude (featured)
from Te Deum, H. 146
M.-A. CharpentierFlute & Piano
Prélude in D major
from 55 Easy Pieces, Op. 22, No. 1
J.B. de BoismortierFlute duet
from Trio Sonata No. 1 in D major, Op. 2, No. 1
A. CorelliFlute duet
Pretty Polly Perkins of Paddington Green Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Preußens Gloria J.G. PiefkeFlute solo
Prince of Denmark's March J. ClarkeFlute & bass
Quelle est cette odeur agréable? Trad. FrenchFlute solo
Récit de flûte (featured)
from Opus perigisti – Himne pour le jour de l’Ascension
J.-J. Beauvarlet-CharpentierFlute & Organ
Red River Valley Trad. AmericanFlute solo
Restoration March Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Ring the Bell, Watchman H.C. WorkFlute & Piano
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow Trad. AmericanFlute quartet
Rocking the Cradle Trad. IrishFlute solo
Rolla to Cora TraditionalFlute duet
from Six duos faciles et brillants, No. 2, Op. 16, No. 2
N.P. JensenFlute duet
Rule, Britannia! T. ArneFlute solo
Rustic Reel Trad. AmericanFlute solo
Saint Anne's Reel Trad. CanadianFlute solo
from Sonata for Two Flutes No. 5 in D minor, Op. 1, No. 5, Mvmt. 4
M. BlavetFlute duet
Scotland the Brave Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Scots Wha Hae Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Seymour's Whim Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Shandon Bells Trad. IrishFlute solo
She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain Trad. AmericanFlute & Piano
Shenandoah Trad. AmericanFlute & bass
Sí Bheag, Sí Mhór T. CarolanFlute solo
Sigh Not for Summer Flowers T.H. BaylyFlute duet
Slash Away the Pressing Gang Trad. IrishFlute solo
Soldier's Joy TraditionalFlute solo
South Australia TraditionalFlute solo
Stepney's Rant Trad. IrishFlute solo
Study No. 1 in D major
from 20 Easy Melodic Progressive Exercises, Book 2, Op. 93, No. 2
E. KöhlerFlute solo
Study No. 1 in D major
from 20 Easy Melodic Progressive Exercises, Book 1, Op. 93, No. 1
E. KöhlerFlute solo
Study No. 12 in D major
from Thirty Easy and Progressive Studies
G. GariboldiFlute solo
Study No. 33 in D major
from 58 Esercizi per flauto
G. GariboldiFlute solo
Study No. 6 in D major
from Thirty Easy and Progressive Studies
G. GariboldiFlute solo
Study No. 8 in D major
from Twenty Studies, Op. 132
G. GariboldiFlute solo
Study No. 8 in D major
from Thirty Easy and Progressive Studies
G. GariboldiFlute solo
Teddy O'Neill Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Banks of Allan Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Banks of Inverness Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Bashful Maid Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Battle of the Somme W. LawrieFlute solo
The Besom in Bloom Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Boy's Lament for His Dragon Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Boys of Coomanore Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Brighton Puzzle Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Captive Knight H. BrowneFlute duet
The Circassian Circle TraditionalFlute solo
The Evening Gun J. PaddonFlute duet
The Far Away Wedding Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Fig Leaf Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Fisherman's Frolic Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Fisherman's Widow Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Girls of Banbridge Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Good Fellow Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Green Meadow Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Grumbling Rustic Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Hag by the Fire Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Hawk That Swoops On High J. MacKayFlute solo
The Heel Of The Hunt Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Hills of Alva T. MuirheadFlute solo
The Home Made Reel Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Honey Pot Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The House in the Glen Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Humors of Drinagh Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Humors of Whiskey Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Hungarian March Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Imperial Quick Step Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Jolly Joker Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Kilfinane Jig Trad. IrishFlute solo
The King and the Countryman Trad. EnglishFlute duet
The Kinnegad Slashers Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Lady's Earring Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Lamentation of Aughrim Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Lass of Patie's Mill TraditionalFlute solo
The Lassie's Fancy Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Leaving of Liverpool Trad. IrishFlute solo
The MacMurrough Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Maids of Tipperary Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Mayor of Garratt Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Medal Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Merry Maiden Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Midlothian Pipe Band F. BeatonFlute solo
The Miners of Wicklow Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Mountain Boy Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The New Rigged Ship Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Old Maid Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Overlander Trad. AustralianFlute solo
The Pale Blue Dot R. CampbellFlute solo
The Petticoat TraditionalFlute solo
The Pilgrim of Love H. BishopFlute duet
The Priest and His Boots Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Races at Carrick Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Romaika Trad. GreekFlute duet
The Rose Tree Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Sheep on the Mountains Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Smith's a Gallant Fireman Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Soldier's Cloak Trad. ScottishFlute solo
The Soup of Good Drink Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Sporting Irishman Trad. IrishFlute solo
The Straw Seat Trad. IrishFlute solo
The White Lady
from La dame blanche
F.-A. BoieldieuFlute trio
The Wild Irishman Trad. EnglishFlute solo
The Wild Rover TraditionalFlute solo
The Wind that Shakes the Barley Trad. IrishFlute solo
The World Turned Upside Down Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Three Blind Mice Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Tobin's Favorite Trad. IrishFlute solo
Tom Jones Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Trip to Hiort R. CampbellFlute solo
Trip to Killarney Trad. IrishFlute solo
True Blue Trad. EnglishFlute solo
Tyrolese Duett TraditionalFlute duet
Un soir Trad. FrenchFlute solo
Von Weber's Last Waltz
from Danses brillantes, Op. 26, No. 5
C. Gottlieb ReissigerFlute duet
Walls of Liscarroll Trad. IrishFlute solo
Walter Scott's March TraditionalFlute duet
Waltzing Matilda Trad. AustralianFlute solo
Wandering Girl Trad. EnglishFlute solo
We Met T.H. BaylyFlute duet
Wee Cooper O' Fife Trad. ScottishFlute solo
Welcome Me Home T.H. BaylyFlute duet
Wellesley Waltz TraditionalFlute trio
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord? Trad. AmericanFlute solo
Westering Home H.S. RobertonFlute solo
When Arthur first in Court began J.W. CallcottFlute trio
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks G.F. HandelFlute quartet
Whiskey Before Breakfast Trad. IrishFlute solo
Wicklow Trad. IrishFlute solo
Willy Walsh's Jig Trad. IrishFlute solo
Winter Garden Quadrille Trad. IrishFlute solo
Yes I Will Leave My Father's Halls S. WallerFlute duet
Zara's Earrings TraditionalFlute duet