Multilingual Music Glossary

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Some random terms

  • rigore [Italian] Rigour.
  • R. Either Raabe or Rinaldi.
  • nonet A composition for nine instruments.
  • duple meter A rhythmic pattern with the the number of beats per measure being divisible by two.
  • jota [Spanish] A type of Spanish dance song characterized by a quick triple meter and guitar and castanet accompaniment.
  • piece A term for any composition that is a complete work in itself. This could be a self-contained movement of a larger composition, such as an aria of an opera, or the entire composition.
  • postlude A composition that concludes a larger composition. Also, a composition performed at the end of a church service as the congregation leaves.
  • part writing The component of counterpoint that recognizes each voice as an individual, horizontal melody rather than as a part of the resultant, vertical chords.
  • decani [Latin] In Anglican church music, referring to the half of the choir sitting on the dean's side of the church.
  • voice Either human voice or a melodic layer or part of a polyphonic composition.
  • recoupe [French] A dance of the French Renaissance.
  • duplet A group of two notes played in the time usually taken to play three.
  • tempestoso [Italian] Stormy.
  • Reigenlied [German] Medieval dance form in triple meter, characterized by repeated notes and phrases.
  • treble The highest part of a polyphonic composition.