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Sheet Music: Ballads
Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway!
S. Foster
Flute & Piano
Alice Gray
V. Millard
Flute duet
Annie Laurie
A. Scott
Flute & Chords
Auld Lang Syne
Trad. Scottish
Flute duet
Auld Lang Syne
Trad. Scottish
Flute & Piano
Aura Lee
G.R. Poulton
Flute solo
Ballad of the Green Mountain Boys
Trad. American
Flute solo
Bantry Bay
J.L. Molloy
Flute & Piano
Beautiful Dreamer
S. Foster
Flute & Piano
Beneath the Wave thy Lover Sleeps
Flute duet
Blue Bells of Scotland
Trad. Scottish
Flute solo
Blue Moon
R. Rodgers
Flute solo
Boyne Water
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
Danny Boy
Trad. Irish
Flute duet
Danny Boy
Trad. Irish
Flute & Piano
Trad. English
Flute solo
Draw the Sword Scotland
G.H. Rodwell
Flute duet
Draw the Sword Scotland
G.H. Rodwell
Flute & Piano
Drive the Cold Winter Away
Trad. English
Flute solo
Early One Morning
Trad. English
Flute & Chords
En noche callada
Los diamantes de la corona
F.A. Barbieri
Flute solo
Farewell to my Harp
C.E. Horn
Flute duet
Father Tom O'Neill
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
Finnegan's Wake
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
J.E. Spilman
Flute & Chords
Fly Away Lady Bird
A.D. Roche
Flute duet
Frankie and Johnny
Trad. American
Flute & Chords
Here Do We Meet Again
J.A. Wade
Flute duet
Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue
A. Lee
Flute solo
I'd be a Butterfly
T.H. Bayly
Flute duet
I'll Tell Nobody
Flute duet
I'm Seventeen Come Sunday
Trad. English
Flute & Piano
H. Bishop
Flute duet
Isle of Beauty, Fare Thee Well
T.H. Bayly
Flute duet
It is the Last Meeting
C.E. Horn
Flute duet
Trad. English
Flute solo
John Anderson My Jo, John
Trad. Scottish
Flute duet
J. Weigl
Flute duet
Lochaber No More
Trad. Scottish
Flute solo
J.P. Webster
Flute solo
MacPherson's Lament
Trad. Scottish
Flute solo
Molly Malone
J. Yorkston
Flute solo
My Ain Fireside
Trad. Scottish
Flute duet
My Bonnie Lass Now Turn to Me
Flute duet
Nell Flaherty's Drake
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
O This Is No My Ain Lassie
Trad. Scottish
Flute duet
O' Saw Ye the Lass wi' the Bonny Blue E'en
Trad. Scottish
Flute duet
Oh Come Where the Roses
J.A. Wade
Flute duet
Oh Lady Fair
T. Moore
Flute duet
Oh Merry Row the Bonnie Bark
Trad. English
Flute duet
Oh My Darling, Clementine
P. Montrose
Flute solo
Oh! No, I'll Never Mention Her
T.H. Bayly
Flute duet
Old Joe Clark
Trad. American
Flute solo
On Top of Old Smoky
Trad. American
Flute & Chords
Óró Sé do Bheatha 'Bhaile
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
Over the Rainbow
The Wizard of Oz
H. Arlen
Flute solo
Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
Red River Valley
Trad. American
Flute solo
Robin Adair
Trad. Irish
Flute trio
Sonatina No. 5 in G major
Op. 36, No. 5
M. Clementi
Flute solo
Scarborough Fair
Trad. English
Flute solo
She's Like the Swallow
Trad. Canadian
Flute & Chords
Star of the County Down
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
Strawberry Fair
Trad. English
Flute solo
The Bonnets of Blue
A. Lee
Flute duet
The Broom of The Cowdenknowes
Trad. Scottish
Flute solo
The Craw Killed the Pussy, O
Trad. Scottish
Flute solo
The Foggy Dew
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
The Fountain in the Park
R. Keiser
Flute & Piano
The Gem That Decks Her Queenly Brow
G.A. Hodson
Flute duet
The Grenadier
T.H. Bayly
Flute duet
The Harp That Once Thro' Tara's Halls
Trad. Irish
Flute duet
The Holy City
M. Maybrick
Flute & Piano
The King and the Countryman
Trad. English
Flute duet
The Lass of Richmond Hill
J. Hook
Flute solo
The Little Mountaineer
W. Ball
Flute duet
The New York Volunteer
G.A. Hodson
Flute solo
The Night Paddy Murphy Died
J. Burke
Flute solo
The Overlander
Trad. Australian
Flute solo
The Patriot Game
Flute solo
The Pilgrim of Love
H. Bishop
Flute duet
The Sash My Father Wore
Flute solo
The Spring Time of the Year is Coming
Flute duet
The Swiss Boy
Trad. Austrian
Flute trio
The Switzer's Song of Home
I. Moscheles
Flute duet
The Water Is Wide
Trad. English
Flute solo
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
Trad. Irish
Flute solo
The Woodpecker
M. Kelly
Flute duet
The World Turned Upside Down
Trad. English
Flute solo
The Yellow Hair'd Laddie
Trad. Scottish
Flute duet
Three Fishers
J.P. Hullah
Flute & Piano
Twilight Dews
J.A. Stevenson
Flute duet
Waltzing Matilda
Trad. Australian
Flute solo
We Met
T.H. Bayly
Flute duet
Welcome Me Home
T.H. Bayly
Flute duet
When This Cruel War Is Over
H. Tucker
Flute & Piano
Wild Mountain Thyme
Trad. Scottish
Flute trio
Wilt Thou Meet Me There Love
B. Hime
Flute duet
Within a Mile of Edinborough Town
J. Hook
Flute duet
Yes I Will Leave My Father's Halls
S. Waller
Flute duet