Sheet Music: Quem pastores laudavere

TitleQuem pastores laudavere
Alternate titlesWhile Their Flocks the Shepherds Tended
InstrumentationFlute solo
KeyG major
Time signature3/4
Tempo60 BPM
Performance time0:20
Difficulty leveleasy
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Date added2014-12-24
Last updated2014-12-24
Download popularity index☆☆☆☆☆ 0.3 (not so popular)
Christmas carols, Traditional/Folk


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Wednesday 24 December 2014

Tune of the Day: Quem pastores laudavere

Traditional hymn tune

“Quem pastores laudavere” is Latin for “He whom the shepherds praised”. The hymn has been popular in Germany since the 16th century, and its title, shortened to “Quempas”, is also used as a generic term for Christmas songs in a German caroling tradition.

The earliest source for this Christmas tune was found by R.R. Terry in a manuscript dated 1410, at Hohenfurth Abbey, Germany. Many versions exist from the sixteenth century. The most famous arrangement is probably the one from Michael Praetorius, with the German text “Den die Hirten lobeten sehre”.

Thanks to Marcello for suggesting this tune!